
What is Atlas?

Atlas is a new social network with a twist: we have a shared ritual. And whatever someone's rank, however long they've been part of it, every member is expected to set aside fifteen minutes a week to participate. The ritual is to knock on a neighbor's door, introduce yourself if you haven't already, and ask if you can help them with anything at all.My grandma tells me that when she was young, if you were traveling through an unfamiliar town you could knock on any door, ask for directions and a glass of milk, and they'd probably invite you in for a sandwich too. When I was a kid we knew everyone on the street and I would play outside all day with the other kids. My kids don't have these things any more. Well, we don't have to accept that and at Atlas we're already doing something about it.We all need to know who our neighbors are and who we can count on in a crisis. When you have to rush to the hospital at 3AM, whose door will you knock on? Who will you ask to go into your house and get your kids and keep them safe until you're back? I want to know the other people in my area who can be counted upon, and I think you do, too. The kind of people who want to check on our neighbors should get to know each other. We can't live cut off from each other any more. In Atlas we'll have block parties, park cleanups, and so much more.We'll also focus on learning to become the sort of person who can help our neighbor. We'll learn skills like screen door repair and CPR. We'll become strong, capable of bearing each other up when we're down. And we won't be afraid to give in this way, because we'll know who our neighbors are, including other Atlas members.At the same time our economic and social institutions are failing. The internet is full of fake people and fake products. The big tech companies treat us like livestock. But what if we had our own replacements for all that? What if we went back to meeting in person, and could pass over Amazon to 'buy Atlas' instead? Do you want to buy a car on Craigslist? Try Atlas. You know something about the person you're buying from. Do you want to hire someone, or get a job with an actual future? Look first to Atlas.My name is Danny Hedin. For the last several months I've been traveling the world telling people about this. And there are many kinds of people in the world, but for our purposes I've found two kinds. The first kind hears this idea and says "Why on earth would I want to do that?" The second kind says "When can I start?"I'm asking you for three things today. First of all, yes, money. If you can set up a $5/month recurring donation that'll go a long way toward helping us get the word out (patreon link below). The more people in the network, the better the network is. Secondly, obviously, install the app when it's released. For now you can join our discord or facebook group, below, or email to be added to our mailing list. And thirdly, maybe even most importantly, tell your friends. You already know which ones I'm talking about. The second kind of person.Join Atlas.We're the people who check on our neighbors.

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